By JD Hill on March 1st, 2014

is my feeling that now , in light of the newest discoveries by NASA
that UFOS can be talked about and that my story can be told without
worry that I will be ridiculed for what I am about to tell you .For
years I have held these secrets close to my chest for fear of the ' men
in black ' . My courage has come as I have aged , I think , at least in
my case , as you age you may discard some fears because you are closer
to your mortality .
Yes indeed they are real , I've seen with
my own eyes in daylight some of the craft that for years have been
depicted on TV shows and in photographs and in books and magazines most
vividly the most common of which the typical 'saucer' that appears as
silver in color which I witnessed sitting in place in the sky near my
home in Toledo Ohio .
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